
For Round Square a Spirit of Service celebrates personal development through practical experience that brings sustainable support & benefit to others.  

A key feature in Round Square schools is the expectation that all students will engage with local and wider communities through voluntary service activities.

Through defining and promoting a Spirit of Service, Round Square schools promote responsible social action that is based on a deep understanding of challenges and issues faced by individuals and communities in need of support throughout the world.

In our schools we offer service programmes and projects, both individually and collaboratively, that engage large numbers of students and role-model positive, sustainable community partnership both locally and further afield.

Round Square also offers International Service Projects that bring together students from member schools in different countries to work in truly intercultural teams in support of communities in need throughout the world.

A spirit of service celebrates personal development through practical experience bringing sustainable support and benefit to others. Keenness and ability to learn in real-world contexts delivers meaningful and lasting value to others as well as to the primary learner. An understanding and respect for cultural difference develops through shared experience and partnership.

Co-creation of knowledge is underpinned by a genuine desire to work collaboratively to the benefit of individuals, a neighbourhood, city, nation or internationally. Practical experience provokes an emotional and intellectual response, and periods of reflection develop personal literacy through mindful consideration of ability, motivation, beliefs, perceptions, goals and ambition.

A person living out a spirit of service considers the opportunity, in all aspects of everyday life, to provide for the needs of others and take social action. They seek to ensure that their impact, and the difference they make in the world, are positive. Socially-responsible decision-making infuses every area of life from employment and business to personal, financial and domestic decisions.

Knowledge of how wealth is created, earned, used and managed by individuals and organisations enables consideration of the ethical and social impacts of financial decisions. This develops understanding of how the right application, investment and donation of financial resource can positively impact an individual, community or wider society.