
Want to know what events are coming up? Click here to find your next Round Square Conference, Service Project or PDR workshop opportunity.

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Attending a conference

Students and teachers in Round Square schools have the chance to take part in age-appropriate local and global conferences that bring them together with peers from different countries to share perspectives, debate topical issues, forge friendships, support local communities, and develop international understanding. Each year there are lots of different conference opportunities on offer, and these are advertised via a weekly e-newsletter sent to every school.

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Hosting a conference

Round Square Member schools are encouraged to not only attend conferences and events but to host them as well. This is a great opportunity to raise the profile of your school and country and to offer your students an immersive leadership challenge. Organising a conference or event unites your entire school community and raises moral and pride both within the school and beyond.

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International service projects

Students and teachers in Round Square schools can also apply to take part in a Round Square International Service Project. Run to the highest standards of quality and safety, and BS8848 accredited, these bring together participants from Member Schools all over the world to work together in truly international teams in support of communities in need. Recent projects have taken place in Nepal, Tanzania, Vietnam and Ecuador. Upcoming projects will see students working in Sri Lanka, Morocco and Borneo.

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As a Round Square school you can connect with other schools in the network to create exchange opportunities that enable students and teachers to study or work at another Round Square school for a short period of time. You can also welcome teachers and students from other RS schools on a visit to yours, which is a brilliant way of bringing a new global perspective into your school. A directory of exchange contacts facilitates connections and good practice documentation helps in establishing your own protocols and principles for how your exchanges will work.

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International Women's Day

Collaborative projects

As a Round Square school you have opportunities to collaborate with other schools in the network on everything from academic endeavours, to conference participation, to cultural trips and exchanges and everything in between. You might just swap resources or share ideas from time to time.

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Student committee

Student government and a genuine sense of responsibility in the management of the school are goals in all Round Square schools. Students learning both the values of democracy and the importance of active participation in democracy are essential to Round Square schools.

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Professional development

Throughout each year there are opportunities for Heads of school, RS Reps, Curriculum Directors and Teachers to participate in formal and informal PD opportunities. Global and Regional presenter-led Workshops, and hands-on Praxis sessions, in particular themed around the Discovery Framework and Service Learning, provide opportunities to develop RS themed concepts and content to use back-at-school. The RS International Conference and Annual Regional Meetings offer networking opportunities and Good Practice Carousels that facilitate resource-sharing, collaboration, and group problem-solving.

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