International Service Projects
In Round Square International Service Projects, students and adults from Round Square schools around the globe come together to support a community in need.
In an average year Round Square hosts two service projects each involving around 60 students from Round Square Schools. The projects take place in July and December and run (on average) for two weeks, engaging students in a process of action and reflection that develops their understanding of the needs of a partner community and involves them in a practical project to address those needs.
Working closely with the community, and often living amongst them for the duration of the project, RSIS participants usually find themselves constructing a vital piece of infrastructure. In the past this has included building classrooms, accommodation for teachers, bridges and clean water systems with rural communities in locations such as Morocco, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Borneo, Vietnam and Thailand.
Participation in a Round Square International Service Project is a great way for young adults to develop a sense of global citizenship and an understanding of the power of respectful community engagement. They develop a deeper understanding of big world issues translate into local need and experience in microcosm what can be achieved when an international team co-operates to address that need.
Alongside the hard work, project participants engage in challenging adventure activities, live life differently for a time, learning more about themselves and the culture in which they are immersed, and develop communication and leadership skills along the way. They disconnect from the wider world and reconnect with a multicultural team of newfound friends from across the world.