4th Station – Serving and empowering others


You need to be online (with audio) to watch some TED Talks and have a pen and paper to hand to capture your thoughts. Have the Discovering a Spirit of Leadership resource sheet to hand and a marker pen to play TED Talks Bingo.

Download resource here>


Servant Leadership is a term we use that defines the role of leaders in serving the people they lead. Perhaps this sounds like a contradiction. Surely leaders are the people in charge, they are at the top, the ultimate authority? But in fact the most effective leaders understand that their role is to serve the people who elected them to government office, or the customers and shareholders in their company, or the beneficiaries of their charitable organisation or the employees in their team. Servant Leaders have the power to bring benefits to the communities they serve, to make decisions for the greater good, to influence and empower others with positivity, to contribute towards the personal growth of their team, to mentor colleagues and offer support in difficult times.

Watch and Learn:

Explore some of the TED Talks listed below. You might watch just one, or more of them as time allows. As you browse the talks consider the following questions (and make notes):

As you watch the videos listen out for mention of the 12 Round Square Discoveries and mark them off as you hear them. If you get a “full house” jump out of your chair and scream to surprise your family:

Drew Dudley: ‘Everyday Leadership’

We have all changed someone’s life – usually without even realizing it. Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each other’s lives.

Ali Fett: ‘Servant Leadership: How a jar can change the way you lead and serve’

Alison (Ali) Fett has been the Assistant Vice President of Talent Development at Verve a Credit Union for the past three years. Ali takes pride in serving those around her and inspiring others to do the same. Her leadership style is one of self-discovery, empowerment, candor, and unconditional love.

Hamdi Ulukaya: ‘The anti-CEO playbook’

Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya calls for an end to the business playbook of the past and shares his vision for a new, “anti-CEO playbook” that prioritizes people over profits. “This is the difference between profit and true wealth,” he says.

Extend your journey: Leadership Stories

Jeremy Heimans – Aim Higher than the President –

Kimmie Weeks – Chalk and Gun Powder

Jennifer Corriero – Leadership: The Next Generation

Consolidate with a task:

Create a table with three headings; “THINK”; “FEEL” and “DO”. If you have access to sticky notes you might use these for the headings and stick them up on wall. Think of as many words as you can that describe what servant leaders might feel, think and do and record them under each heading (write your words on sticky notes if you have them and add them to the wall). Ask other members of your class or household to join in and add their words to your chart. If you are working in a group, connect with your classmates and share some of your words. Next look for patterns. Is there a connection between how servant leaders feel and how they think and what they therefore do.

Next task>