
Aiglon College


  • Age range: 7-18
  • Type: Boarding
  • Gender: Coeducational

Aiglon College is a not-for-profit, international and co-educational boarding school in Switzerland. For over 70 years, the school has offered students a holistic and inspirational experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional education. John Corlette founded the school in 1949 on a distinctive ethos: the balanced development of mind, body, and spirit.

Aiglon is home to over 460 students, from 7-18 years old, representing more than 60 different nationalities.

From Junior through to Senior School, students benefit from all the advantages of an international boarding environment. They form lasting bonds with each other and with excellent educators who guide them towards academic and personal success.

The Ideals in our school

At Aiglon we fulfill the Round Square IDEALS in our own way. Adventure is a real strength at the school. Expedition activities vary according to the seasons, from Switzerland’s celebrated Via Ferrata in summer to ski-touring in winter. Examples of expeditions include kayaking and camping at Lac Léman, road cycling on the circuit at Bex, and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing between mountain huts.

Leadership and Democracy are encouraged in the various student committees including the student council and the Round Square Committee.

Aiglon’s students participate in clean-ups in the local environment; repairing bridges along popular walking routes; taking disabled people skiing in specially adapted sleds; and supporting senior citizens’ lunches. Aiglon has a long term recycling programme that is found throughout the school and has been awarded a local eco-partner award in recent years.

What being a Round Square school means to us

We are proud to be one of the founding members. Aiglon’s Guiding Principles align closely with the IDEALS of Round Square. We see that the network of members is not only a resource for us to use but we are a resource for them. We enjoy the events, projects and other opportunities the Round Square network offers and look forward to strengthening the links we have made into the future..

Where to find us


Avenue Centrale 61, 1885 Chesieres