Keimei Gakuen was founded on the idea of providing a place where returning international students could continue to broaden the knowledge and language skills they had acquired abroad. Today, our mission is the educating and instructing of students in a way that widens their global perspective, enriches their character, and prepares them for an increasingly globalized world.
The Ideals in our school
Through Keimei’s global education curriculum, students are taught how to become global citizens capable of taking on active roles in the global community. We believe that the welfare of the world is the responsibility of every individual. As a result, our school philosophy matches very well with the Round Square IDEALS. Inspired by the international conference in 2016, we held our first Round Square Baraza shortly afterwards. We will continue to foster the Round Square IDEALS here at Keimei, while learning more about opening up an exchange of ideas and values with the world.
What being a Round Square school means to us
The framework of RS IDEALS encourages Keimei Gakuen to identify its areas of relative strength, as well as enabling us to build good programming for those specific IDEALS. Furthermore, RS emphasizes student creativity and leadership. We interpret the Democracy pillar as community engagement, and we encourage student involvement in school life. Similarly, the school is encouraged to get involved in the life of the surrounding community.