Round Square schools share a commitment, and an approach, to character education and experiential learning. This is built around six themes and 12 personal revelations.
The RS IDEALS and Discoveries
The Round Square IDEALS are Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service. The Round Square IDEALS have stood the test of time over decades, and are still as relevant today as when they were first established.
By exploring the six IDEALS, students set off on a learning journey which leads them to 12 Discoveries of personal virtues and attributes. These build the capabilities and confidence needed to make a positive difference in the world. The 12 Round Square Discoveries are: Appreciation of Diversity, Courage, Commitment to Sustainability, Communication, Compassion, Inquisitiveness, Inventiveness, Problem-Solving, Self-Awareness, Sense of Responsibility, Teamwork and Tenacity.
Do First, Describe Later
Round Square’s approach has always been to do first and describe later. The Round Square IDEALS were not created in advance and assigned to activities; rather, they emerged from the practices already thriving in our schools. This approach encourages students to learn by doing. Experiment, then reflect, capture, and articulate that learning afterward. It’s a way of learning that has stood the test of time and remains central to Round Square programming.
Let’s explore the Round Square IDEALS and Discoveries. Click on each of the letters below for more information.
The Six Round Square Ideals
A spirit of internationalism is found in those who seek to discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding, tolerance and respect. It encompasses an appreciation for the increasing interconnectedness of the world, our greater dependence on the global economy and interdependence as nations as a result of massively increased commerce and cultural exchange.
- The growth of digital communication across geographical borders and the sharing of each other’s cultures through travel and trade is understood. There is an appreciation that national differences are lessening and a blending of cultures, traditions and cultural exchange is on the increase.
- A person living out a spirit of internationalism respects the need to preserve and celebrate national identity, cultures, traditions and heritage. Opportunities are sought to connect with those from different countries and cultures, exchanging points of view and ideas across borders and developing international and intercultural understanding. These inform an appreciation of how others might view or think about a shared event such as a trade agreement, a partnership or a cultural exchange.
- A spirit of internationalism also includes an understanding of the tension between increased wealth creation in developing countries and a continuing gap between the world’s poorest countries and the world’s richest.
A spirit of democracy embraces a sense of equality, fairness, justice and a desire to do what is right (for the greater good). Freedom of thought and speech are valued and appropriate forums and channels of communication are discovered and explored.
- An understanding of the importance of active democratic participation and the power of collective decision-making is supported by a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility. Respect for diversity, cultural difference and heritage lead to an outspoken passion for equality, tolerance and inclusion.
- Knowledge of civil rights and the ability to understand how society works, on a small scale (such as a school, family or a sports club) and on a larger scale — in one’s neighbourhood, city, nation and internationally, enables participation and action, and builds capacity to make a difference.
- A person living out a spirit of democracy seeks to be well informed about her or his world and has an outward-looking disposition, engaging with the issues of the day, valuing the opportunity to be involved in making his or her society a better place, and expressing a sense of public duty. Understanding the needs of others and feeling empathy for them becomes a catalyst for action and prompts engagement in social service activity. A spirit of democracy also encompasses the development and application of appropriate social skills to interact respectfully with others in order to contribute as a positive and active member of the community.
A spirit of environmentalism centres on the significance of understanding mankind’s place in the universe, the forces that shape our surroundings and the impact we have on those surroundings. A systems-based appreciation of the interdependence between human beings and the planet highlights the fine balance needed to make that relationship a healthy one.
- In addition, mindfulness in connecting with the surrounding world underpins a peace and ease with natural cycles. This creates a connected appreciation for the beauty, complexity and fragility of the environment which often inspires creative expression – landscape painting, photography, poetry, creative writing.
- A person living out a spirit of Environmentalism takes practical action in tackling issues of sustainability. They question and challenge any practices that impact negatively on the environment. They seek solutions and make suggestions as to how practices can be improved, and consideration of the environmental impact of every-day activity is second-nature.
- An active interest in, and concern for, all environments develops awareness and understanding known issues. This leads to a recognition of the importance of tending to the future of the planet, protecting and preserving threatened habitats and creating sustainable communities. Ultimately, through discovering a spirit of environmentalism, each young person accepts and prepares for their destiny to be a future guardian of human society and the global environment.
A spirit of adventure is characterised by those who push themselves beyond their perceived limits, cross boundaries and discover that they are capable of more than they thought. It encompasses preparedness to take risks, face a challenge and persist against the odds and in the face of potential failure.
- Willingness to rise to unusual, exciting or frightening experiences is evident, as is a compulsion to set and then stretch to reach a personal goal in any hobby or area of interest. Courage, discipline, tenacity and resilience are foundations on which ambition is built and personal development is achieved.
- A person living out a spirit of adventure seeks out opportunities to stretch and push themselves beyond their own perceived abilities and the expectations of others. They are dynamic and driven, thriving on practical, experiential learning, and willing to tenaciously pursue their objective, overcoming setbacks and obstacles along the way.
- An appreciation that adventure is a very personal experience, and will mean different things to different people, allows for supportive celebration of others’ achievements in all aspects of life. As such, a readiness to embrace uncertainty, to explore and pioneer in any field is supported and encouraged.
A spirit of leadership is found in those whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice. It recognises that successful leaders are driven by a desire to be of service to others and to nurture, guide, develop and help them to improve and succeed.
- A range of leadership skills are marshalled and employed to influence and enlist the support of individuals, teams or communities in the achievement of a shared objective.
- Strategic thinking and analysis of both the current situation and the objective enable the creation of a route map for achieving that objective. Self-belief and an ability to gather and process ideas, set direction, and create and share a vision that is exciting and dynamic inspires others to take action and to share ownership. The capacity to generate a sense of belonging in others leads to team members feeling valued for their contributions and taking pride in their efforts and achievements.
- A person living out a spirit of leadership demonstrates personal literacy in understanding and employing both their own skills and abilities and those of their team to the greatest effect. Self-confidence, determination, motivation, intuitive decision-making, persuasion and negotiation and creative problem solving are all in evidence as is the ability to spot opportunities and take calculated risks. Self-awareness and emotional-literacy allow for confident tempering, analysis and expression of emotions both for the leader and those that they lead.
A spirit of service celebrates personal development through practical experience bringing sustainable support and benefit to others. Keenness and ability to learn in real-world contexts delivers meaningful and lasting value to others as well as to the primary learner. An understanding and respect for cultural difference develops through shared experience and partnership.
- Co-creation of knowledge is underpinned by a genuine desire to work collaboratively to the benefit of individuals, a neighbourhood, city, nation or internationally. Practical experience provokes an emotional and intellectual response, and periods of reflection develop personal literacy through mindful consideration of ability, motivation, beliefs, perceptions, goals and ambition.
- A person living out a spirit of service considers the opportunity, in all aspects of everyday life, to provide for the needs of others and take social action. They seek to ensure that their impact, and the difference they make in the world, are positive. Socially-responsible decision-making infuses every area of life from employment and business to personal, financial and domestic decisions.
- Knowledge of how wealth is created, earned, used and managed by individuals and organisations enables consideration of the ethical and social impacts of financial decisions. This develops understanding of how the right application, investment and donation of financial resource can positively impact an individual, community or wider society.
As young people embrace the Spirit of the RS IDEALS, they uncover 12 key Discoveries on their learning journey. These include inquisitiveness, tenacity, courage, compassion, inventiveness, problem-solving, self-awareness, responsibility, diversity appreciation, sustainability commitment, communication, and teamwork skills.
The Round Square community collaborated to define these Discoveries. After years of observing student outcomes across various countries, cultures, and curricula, they identified these traits as core results of engaging with the six RS IDEALS.
Together, the RS IDEALS and Discoveries form the Round Square Discovery Framework (RSDF). This adaptable, open-source framework guides teaching and learning. Schools can customize it to fit their context, experimenting with different approaches, and sharing successes and lessons learned.

Appreciation of Diversity
Round Square Explorers learn to value the strength and solidarity of an inclusive society that embraces all individuals.