
Create your user account

Please complete the below form to create your user account to access the Round Square Intranet. Any member of faculty from a Round Square Candidate or Member school is welcome to create their an account.

We will use the information you provide here to create your account and to verify that you are linked to one of our member schools. For more information on how we store and use your information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Once you’ve completed the form below, your school’s Round Square Rep will be asked to verify and activate your account.

It is important we know which role you have within your school, so we can direct you to the most appropriate information. We may need to check for confirmation for new RS Coordinators and Heads of School.
cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character