
The Round Square Heroes of Discovery

Inquisitive Indu explores, questions and challenges, Problem Solving Papri thinks clearly and creatively, tries different solutions and asks for help if she needs it. Tenacious Tino learns from his mistakes and pushes himself to take calculated risks, and Sustainability Suki respects all living things and uses the earth’s resources responsibly. Diversity Dani knows that difference makes the world more interesting and respects others’ rights and beliefs. Teamwork Tama values the skills different people bring to the team and puts the team’s needs before his own. And Courageous Collette is willing to face her fears and is ready to stand up against prejudice and injustice.

Communication Cara takes the time to listen and respect people’s views even if they don’t agree. Compassionate Carlos cares about the health and happiness or other people and animals, Inventive Idris uses his imagination to have new ideas and come up with different ways of doing things, and Responsible Rami believes we all deserve to be treated fairly and with kindness to others. Self Aware Simba thinks it is important that each of us knows what we feel, think, believe, like and dislike.

RS Heroes of Discovery with names

RS Heroes of Discovery Resources

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