
How to apply

How to apply to join Round Square

Joining the Round Square community connects you with like-minded schools from around the world, enabling you to share good practice, access high quality student events and activities, and collaborate on international projects. These initiatives not only build character education but also have a lifelong impact on your students and their communities. 

We support you throughout the application process, into Candidacy and, ultimately, Membership, ensuring integration into our community. We provide a supportive network, guidance, feedback and resources to enable your school to thrive in Round Square and meet its unique needs and priorities.

Step 1: Make an Enquiry

To register your interest, make an enquiry using the forms in this section. [Click on the arrow for more detail.]

One of the team will contact you with more information on becoming a candidate school. They will discuss your goals and expectations for joining the Round Square community.  

Round Square aims to reflect the variety and richness of cultures, perspectives, and educational approaches in our network. We are committed to fostering a broad range of schools that contribute to our vibrant and diverse community. However, please note that in some regions, we may not currently be seeking new members. 

Click on the relevant region to make an enquiry.

Step 2: Apply for Candidacy

Once you are ready to apply, your local Schools’ Support Director will guide you through the application process.  [Click on the arrow for more detail.]

Our comprehensive application process is designed to support you, your school, and your students in getting the most out of your relationship with Round Square. Here’s how it works:

Guidance and Support

Your local Schools’ Support Director will provide personalised assistance, helping you reflect on how your school might engage with Round Square. A useful place to start is to consider your school’s current approach to the six Round Square pillars – our RS IDEALS. You may already implement some of these pillars, but think about how you would like to develop or integrate the others.

Evaluation Visit

When you submit the application, we will arrange an evaluation visit with representatives of the Round Square Community. The visit, lasting up to a day, aims to add an independent perspective to your application. We will identify any areas we think are missing, and incorporate commentary from your school community to bring your application to life.

Typically, we will meet with your Leadership Team, members of your faculty, a group of students, and a member of the school’s Board to discuss your priorities (and not just the Round Square related ones).  

Review and Decision

Following the visit, your Schools’ Support Director will compile a report based on the evaluation visit. We will share the report, along with your application, with the collective Heads of School within your Round Square region for review and a decision.

Step 3: Become a Round Square Candidate

On successful completion of the application process, you will join the Round Square Community as a Candidate School. [Click on the arrow for more detail.]

Candidacy lasts for up to two years, as an incoming Candidate School is not expected to have all six of the Round Square IDEALS fully embedded from day one.  

We use this time to support you in sharing good practice of other Round Square schools, trying out numerous opportunities available for students and faculty and developing your school’s approach to the Round Square IDEALS

Support During RS Candidacy

Your local Schools’ Support Director will work with you to determine when you are ready to apply for Global Membership. The Candidacy Period may only last a few months for schools that quickly embody our philosophy and engage with the Round Square network. Other schools may wish to take the full two years before moving on to the next step. 

Responsibilities of a Candidate School

As a Candidate School, we will ask you to: 

  • Sign a Candidate Agreement: This outlines our shared commitment to the Round Square principles.
  • Appoint a Round Square Coordinator: This faculty member or members will be responsible for coordination between the Round Square Community and your school. 
  • Establish a Round Square Student Committee: This committee will engage the student body in developing Round Square themes within the school. 

We understand that membership might not be right for every school, nor is every school necessarily right for Round Square. The application process and Candidacy Period are designed to help both you and Round Square determine whether there is synergy and value. 

Step 4: Apply for Global Membership

When you are ready, you are invited to apply for Global Membership.  Click on the arrow for more detail.

We will ask you to consider your progress over the Candidacy Period and objectives for the coming years. We share your application with the collective Heads of School within your Round Square Region for their endorsement. Finally, the Round Square Board of Trustees will make a decision on your application.   

On successful completion of the process, you will become a Global Member of Round Square. We will ask you to:

Responsibilities as a Global Member: 
  • Sign the Round Square Global Membership Agreement: This formalises your commitment to Round Square principles.
  • Embed and Grow RS IDEALS commitment: Continue to embed and grow commitment to the Round Square IDEALS within the school, increasing opportunities for student exposure to the RS IDEALS and Discoveries.
  • Complete an annual affirmation: Reflect on your achievements over the last year and identify areas to develop.
  • Engage in a Five-Year Review: Participate in a thoughtful, supportive review to reflect on your successes, share best practice explore future priorities.