Established in 1836 in Quebec, Canada, Bishop’s College School (BCS) is an independent IB World School offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and certificates. A 240-acre campus just minutes away from the city of Sherbrooke is home to both boarding and day students. We create a caring community of learning and development where cultures connect and individuals matter.
The Ideals in our school
Round Square at BCS is an intricate part of everyday life. We begin our day with morning assembly where students often present their home country; presently we have over 40 countries represented at BCS. Our programs such as Duke of Edinburgh, Model UN, Outward Bound, Ondaatje, competitive sport programs, and cadets complement and foster the IDEALS of Round Square. Our Round Square committee consists of about 25 students who come together once a week to develop initiatives and activities, such as international food bazaars, geared toward getting everyone involved in the IDEALS of the program.
What being a Round Square school means to us
Round Square contributes to a learning experience for our students that goes far beyond the classroom. The regional and international conferences foster skills, global understanding, and life-changing adventures that are invaluable for our students as future contributors and leaders.