Established in 1976, Discovery School is a catholic, coeducational Preschool to High School in Cuernavaca Mexico.
The Ideals in our school
Round Square IDEALS are integral to the Discovery community. Varied learning environments, like IB, brings us diverse cultural experiences that promote international understanding and acceptance. Service to other is vital, be it in our school or in the local community. Pushing our boundaries, being open to challenges and never giving up brings adventure into our lives. Here, democracy thrives because all opinions are considered.
We are privileged with a beautiful green campus that reminds us daily to protect the environment. Finally, we believe by teaching leadership from a young age, we are helping form a better tomorrow.
What being a Round Square school means to us
Round School gives us the opportunity to open the world to our students and give them the opportunity to put into practice the IDEALS and values we promote in different environments. Needless to say, the invaluable chance it gives them to explore the world through new experiences and understand other cultures. We are proud to be the first Round Square candidate school in Mexico and it is a privilege to share the diverse and beautiful Mexican experience and our small part of it.