
Flintridge Sacred Heart


  • Age range: 14 - 18
  • Type: Day and boarding school
  • Gender: Girls school

Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy is a private, all-girls Catholic high school in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles run by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. It is located in La Cañada Flintridge, California, on a 41 acres campus near the San Gabriel Mountains.

The Ideals in our school

A robust student-led Round Square committee has taken the work of strengthening the IDEALS and programs of the school to a higher level. Key initiatives include strengthening our school’s environmental footprint, planning and conducting school-wide service projects, bridging the day and boarding programs into one seamless community, and looking ahead to re-launching our global service and leadership travel program. The committee is focused on making global connections and collaborations with member schools and furthering their impact on the world, while at the same time, making and sustaining relationships and meaningful programs at school.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Being a member of the Round Square network of schools affords us the opportunity to grow as a school community where head, heart, and hands are immersed in good work for the betterment of peoples, places, and all sentient beings. The six IDEALS are a natural description and extension of our school’s mission and philosophy, and a natural conduit for our teaching of faith, integrity, and truth.

Where to find us


440 St. Katherine Dr, La Canada-Flintridge, CA 91011