Miles Bronson Residential School is an exclusive co-ed boarding school for 500 students in Assam, India. MBRS follows the Global Education Model of Schooling with its four elements Universal Values, Excellence in All Things, Global Understanding and Service to Community.
The Ideals in our school
The motto of the school is “Excellence Through Education” and excellence is not limited to academic progress but excellence in all things. Round Square is implemented by students under the supervision of the teachers. We have a Round Square Students Executive Council, comprising of 32 students.
Students are given special responsibilities during class activities or celebrations to nurture their leadership skills and some teach basic education to the hostel maids. Freedom of speech, choice and action are encourage in everyday activities, especially in Morning Assembly.
Because of its green initiatives the school is the first Green School awardee of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
What being a Round Square school means to us
Being a RS school means “A Dream come True!” It was a long cherished dream of the Principal and Founder Dr. N.K. Dutta to be associated with Round Square as it is in sync with the school mission of holistic development of the child.
Through Round Square, students will be more involved in and exposed to a world where there will be more interchange of ideas and thoughts, more learning through exchange programmes and attendance of conferences.