
Oakleigh Grammar


  • Age range: 2-18
  • Type: Day school
  • Gender: Coeducational

Oakleigh Grammar is a co-educational, Early Learning to Senior School in South East Melbourne, Australia.

The Ideals in our school

At Oakleigh Grammar, we proudly implement the Round Square IDEALS —Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership, and Service—into every aspect of our educational approach. These principles foster a holistic learning environment where students develop into well-rounded, responsible global citizens. Our programs encourage students to engage with diverse cultures, participate in democratic processes, champion sustainability, embark on adventurous challenges, cultivate leadership skills, and commit to serving their communities. By integrating these IDEALS, we ensure that our students are equipped with the values, skills, and perspectives needed to navigate and contribute positively to an interconnected world.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Round Square means an opportunity for Oakleigh Grammar to be part of a vibrant global community. A connection to Round Square provides unique opportunities for our students to embrace different nationalities and cultures from all over our world. It places Character Education at the forefront of its vision, prioritising holistic experiences and a strong commitment to sustainability. Significantly, Round Square signifies an ever-increasing need for global competency and will provide a platform for our students to become innovative and respectful future leaders.

Where to find us


77-81 Willesden Road Oakleigh 3166