
Trivandrum International School

Trivandrum-695 104, India

  • Age range: 3 - 18
  • Type: Boarding
  • Gender: Coeducational

Trivandrum International School is a co-educational international school situated in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

The Ideals in our school

At TRINS, we have integrated all the essence of RS IDEALS into the curriculum. Our exchange programmes creates an international mindedness and respect for democratic ideals in our students. The no-plastic and litter free environment fosters the green campus concept. Our students organize environmental campaign for the public regularly. Collaboration with In-me organization gives them immense chances of explore the adventurous skills in them. Our students are getting more opportunities to enrich their personality and leadership qualities by attending various RS conferences and they become more service minded citizen of the future by organizing and executing RS Service projects like the Beacon of Hope project.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Being a Round Square school, we get a lot of opportunities to interact with the other member schools, through exchanges collaborative projects and conferences. It helps our students to mold themselves into global citizens, who can accept differences. Being an RS School, TRINS is able to provide opportunities for our students to home their leadership qualities. At the same time, we cherish the values of caring and sharing embodied in the RS ideal of Service.

Where to find us


Edackode P O