Founded in 1884, Wilderness School is an independent, non-denominational Christian girls school, located in Medindie in Adelaide’s inner north suburbs. The School has a progressive educational background and a firm belief in the power of unlimited kindness in our relationships.
The Ideals in our school
At present the IDEALS are embedded across a range of aspects of school life at Wilderness School including providing service and financial support through fundraising activities for the village school and community of Bhadhure, Nepal. In addition to this, we provide a wide range of co-curricular and extension opportunities for students including local service opportunities, international tours and exchange opportunities, as well as participation in clubs and community activities. Our extensive Outdoor Education Program includes an extended stay at our Crawford campus, located on the Coorong.
We are looking for opportunities to further embed the IDEALS in the daily life of the School.
What being a Round Square school means to us
Through Round Square, Wilderness School is seeking to develop relationships with a network of like-minded schools by developing friendships between students through participation in service projects, exchanges and collaborations, and fostering global consciousness within our community.
We aim to embed the IDEALS in our lived curriculum in order to achieve our mission ‘to enable every girl to be the best she can be throughout her life’.