RSIS Big Build Ecuador: The Early Childhood Centre

Posted: 13 July 2018

The project works

Students have started work in earnest on the construction of an Early Childhood Centre, which will provide much needed day care for the growing population of the local community. The Centre will help provide a safe space for young children and babies. The centre will have its own toilets, a kitchen, a vegetable garden, greenhouse and a playground for all ages.

The team has been split into smaller work-forces and are taking turns to lead their groups. The groups are rotating in tasks with some helping build either the Children’s Centre, or the Multi Use Building or helping to refurbish the playground, fencing and landscaping.



Down time

Students have been enjoying evenings gathered around a campfire with marsh mellows; a fun and delicious way to wind down after a long day on the project site. Talking of delicious; the team have developed a taste for locally produced passion fruit! YUM

The team are kept on schedule by their own personal alarm clock – the community rooster. He has made it his own personal mission to make sure no body over sleeps!!



Student blog update

By: Chamilla, Shawn, Matthew, Helena and Andrew

It was the second day of our service project and we were excited to work in our groups and get some work done. We had learnt from our previous leaders and realised that giving water breaks more often was important.

We ate pancakes for breakfast after our wake-up call at 6:30am. Then we immediately went to our respective worksites in our groups and were pumped up to overcome any obstacle that we faced.

We started to build the fence at the Children’s Centre by first cleaning the bamboo and then attaching it to the structure of the fence. We also added cement and rocks to the ramp at the children’s centre as well as the foundation at the multiuse centre which was an extremely difficult task.

After a really productive day, we returned to Camp Costa and ate vegetable stew and rice for dinner. We ended the day in style with a bonfire next to our camp. It was definitely refreshing!

Overall, we all had a wonderful experience leading our groups, learning more about Ecuadorian Culture and interacting with our other group members from different parts of the world. This experience allowed us to grow as individuals and understand the very difficult task of being a leader, but at the end we all enjoyed the sense of fulfilment of working in a team.


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