
British Junior Academy of Brussels


  • Age range: 3-14
  • Type: Day school
  • Gender: Coeducational

The British Junior Academy of Brussels is a coeducational day school situated in the heart of Brussels and offers high quality education to children aged 3 to 14.

The Ideals in our school

We are keen to implement the IDEALS as fully as possible throughout our school. We are a truly international school, with over 35 nationalities. We promote democracy school-wide, placing great value on Pupil Voice and create a sense of belonging for all stakeholders, whether a pupil, a student, a parent or staff member. We are committed to green issues, adventure and promote leadership at all levels. Service is a key feature for each age-group.

What being a Round Square school means to us

We are absolutely delighted at being accepted as a candidate school for Round Square. We are looking forward to connecting with schools across the world, sharing what it is like to grow up and live in one of Europe’s most vibrant centres with likeminded people from all corners of the world. As global citizens we are keen to undertake projects and initiate change across the world, encouraging young people to connect and to develop new skills and ideas.

Where to find us


101 Boulevard Louis Schmidt, 1040 Etterbeek