
Cayman International School

Cayman Islands

  • Age range: 2 -18
  • Type: Boarding
  • Gender: Coeducational

CIS is a growing Nursery -12 co-ed school currently enrolling 655 students and offering the IB Diploma in the high school. The school community is diverse and globally competent. CIS is the first RS school in the Caribbean.

The Ideals in our school

Cayman International’s commitment to the IDEALS of Round Square are evident in myriad ways. Our international student body is the foundation of our diverse learning community. Whether it is through travelling to Chicago for Model UN, taking our Building Community Through Service elective, developing leadership capacity in our Student Council, or being a member of our Global Issues Network co-curricular club, CIS students’ days illustrate our commitment to the Round Square IDEALS.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Being a Round Square school offers our learning community an opportunity to broaden student horizons through authentic engagement in the world. The mission of Round Square aligns closely with ours. Anytime we can improve student learning—especially via real world engagement—we are excited to get involved.

Where to find us


PO Box 31364, Grand Cayman, KYI-1206