Geraldton Grammar School is an independent co-educational Kindergarten to year 12 school founded in 1996. We are located 425 km (4.5 hours) north of Perth, Western Australia.
The Ideals in our school
At GGS the IDEALS are complementary to our school culture:
- We learn to appreciate, value and respect all cultures, religions and languages;
- Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums are set in place;
- We continually learn about the balance and the interdependence needed to maintain a healthy relationship between us and the planet beyond;
- GGS offers activities that foster a spirit of adventure and allow us to discover that we are capable of meeting challenges through experiences outside the formal classroom;
- Students understand that leadership is fostered within the classroom and the wider community which fosters respect and kindness; and
- We develop an appreciation of doing and giving at a local, national and global level.
What being a Round Square school means to us
GGS joined the Round Square organisation in 2003 as a regional member and in 2018 became a global school. Membership provides local, national and global opportunities for exchanges, conferences and service projects for our students and staff. Participation in RS develops new friendships, experiences that challenge, an appreciation of the world we live in and connections to like-minded schools