Ipswich Grammar School is an independent, non-denominational, day and boarding school for boys, located in Ipswich, a city situated on the Bremer River in South East Queensland, Australia.
The Ideals in our school
Examples of how the IDEALS have been implemented at IGS include:
- Shoe polish drive run by Year 6 boys (Service), a weekend family walk at Cedar Creek Falls (Adventure) and camps at Emu Gully (Leadership/Adventure)
- Each year level from Year 7 to 11 has been allocated one IDEAL so that the boys experience that IDEAL on a timetable lesson every fortnight.
- Year 12 boys mentor younger boys, participate in a community BBQ to feed the less fortunate and marked the National Day of Action against Violence and Bullying.
What being a Round Square school means to us
At Ipswich Grammar School, being a member of the Round Square community means that our boys will receive an enriched holistic education by learning the IDEALS of Kurt Hahn. It’s not something we do as an ‘extra’ but it is developing into a day-to-day interaction with the boys, language spoken and philosophy of the school. Round Square reinforces the values of Ipswich Grammar School.