
Kinross Wolaroi School


  • Age range: 5 - 18
  • Type: Day and boarding school
  • Gender: Coeducational

Kinross Wolaroi School (KWS) is a private, coeducational school in Orange, New South Wales. It is a Uniting Church school that teaches students ranging from Year 7 to Year 12, regardless of religious affiliation or denomination.

The Ideals in our school

The IDEALS at KWS will be implemented through student led committees in both the senior and junior schools. We wish to give students the opportunity to thrive in those areas of passion as well as educate them about the world outside of Orange. The prefect leadership team will oversea each committee with the help of staff mentoring.

We are excited to foster Hahn’s belief in “Plus Est en Vous” in our students going forward and to challenge them to be the best version of themselves they can.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Round Square is a link to the world outside of Orange. We are excited to begin exchanges with other schools and give our students opportunities to engage with students from different cultures as well as engaging in conference experiences, both virtual and in person. Our students live in a beautiful part of Australia that they want to share with others.

Where to find us


59-67 Bathurst Road Orange NSW, Australia, 2800