
Mayo College Girls’ School


  • Age range: x - x
  • Type: Day and boarding school
  • Gender: Girls school

Mayo College Girls’ School is a public schools/boarding schools located in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India), providing education for girls from Class IV to XII. Students refer to themselves as Mayoites. The school was founded in 1987.

The Ideals in our school

Students attend International Exchange Programmes, which help to instil a feeling of International understanding and tolerance.

The students elect the school vice-captain by electronic vote and various Student Committees provide students with opportunities to make important decisions.

Our Nature Club inculcates awareness towards a greener and pollution free environment.

Mid-Term trips and various adventurous activities are an annual feature in our school and instil values such as cooperation, confidence and physical strength.

Students participated in the ‘Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life’ Conference in Ireland and our School Captains and Prefects serve as leaders for the student body.

We teach our students to reach out to others through social service programmes and our Socially Useful Productive Work classes teach children the value of work ethics and community service.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Round Square enables us to rekindle the spark of excellence in our students by providing us with opportunities to make our educative process more oriented for empowering the students.

True to the motto of our school-“Let there be light” Round Square activities help our students in becoming the shining candles of moral precepts and spiritual ideals and the torch bearers for the society. Round Square Schools have instil in their students qualities such as – humility, charity, kindness, service, wisdom, trustworthiness, obedience and truthfulness.

Where to find us


Bhajan Ganj