
St Stithians Girls’ College

South Africa

  • Age range: 6 - 18
  • Type: Day school
  • Gender: Girls school

St Stithians Girls’ College is a South African school making a world of difference. Our beautiful green campus provides a safe and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to explore, experiment and investigate. We pride ourselves on creating a real, relevant and holistic educational experience that inspires excellence, moulding responsible global citizens who epitomize the Saints Character: “Know yourself. Be yourself. Make your contribution”.

The Ideals in our school

The College’s foundations are built around six pillars: academics, leadership, spirituality, community engagement, arts and culture, and sport. It is through the Discovery Framework that our students gain practical experience of the IDEALS. This includes leading and participating in various service projects, camps, treks, sustainability initiatives, our Ubulungiswa social justice programme, the innovative Keystone Environmental Curriculum and our student well-being drive. Kamoka Bush School provides a unique outdoor education environment for students to develop an appreciation of the environment and to engage with local communities. Importantly, the democratically elected Student Leadership Council gives our young people a voice.

What being a Round Square school means to us

Our College motto “One & All” represents what being a Round Square school means to us. We honour every individual while celebrating our diversity in a spirit of collective unity. The Round Square precepts are deeply embedded in our student rites of passage. They are tantamount to our fabric and ethos which is expressed in the College Honour Code:

Honour God. Honour Others. Honour Self.

At the Girls’ College we believe that to be educated means to be human in all its richness and variety, and at the centre of this must be love and an indelible imagination.

Where to find us


40 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Gauteng, 2191